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Humanoil – the last oil

HEALING SESSION, onsdag 12. august 16.30.

It is time vanity causes some discomfort – how much pain must she endure before you decide to change your lifestyle?

Gaia demands a purging for your sins, for not managing sustainable consumption and lifestyle. It is time to receive the last oil– Humanoil, produced from her body, a sought after extreme luxury product that plays on long historical and mythical references.You are invited to a session of healing – with offering anointing, white magic or pure skincare – your choice.

Humanoil is presented as an extreme luxury product that plays on long historical and mythical references. The extraction and use of human oil has not only been present in myths and magical rituals but was also practically used for medicinal healing of scars and for pain relief. The oil has been sought after as a lucrative product for centuries until early 1900.

Tapio`s previous project Humanfuel as well as Humanoil puts the spotlight on humans as a resource, challenging us to flip the perspective and to reflect how we utilize all the resources around us at will according to our own pleasure. It is time vanity causes some discomfort – how much pain must she endure before you decide to change your lifestyle? Humanoil is a follow up from the previous work where biofuel was made of the artists own fat, this time it has been rendered to human oil, the last oil produced from the artist – generated to offer anointing, white magic or pure skincare – your choice.

Biography, Hege Tapio

Hege Tapio (NO) is based in Stavanger, the oil capital of Norway. Since 2001 her artistic practice has pursued the interest in emerging media interconnecting art, new technology and science. Her work was part of HYBRID MATTER – Nordic art&science network program, and presented at ISEA Symposium in Hong Kong 2016. The “Body Esc” exhibition at the National Gallery of Corfu in 2017 and the exhibition “This Mess We`re In” Perth, Australia 2018 where she also presented at the “Quite Frankly” conference. Her work was also part of FACTT 2019 – Toronto, Gales Gallery, Toronto, Canada 2020.

Tapio is the founder and director of i/o/lab – Center for Future Art where she established and curated the Article biennial. She has for decades pursued a special interest in Bioart, and is currently engaged as visiting artist and part of the team of NOBA – Norwegian Bioart Arena, developing and programming the Norwegian hub for Bioart located at Vitenparken by Campus Ås.


About NOBA (Norwegian BioArt Arena)

Situated on NMBU’s campus, NOBA would like to take advantage of its whereabouts to facilitate meetings between the arts and the life sciences. The arena is created to be a hub for BioArt in Norway. Our aim is to cultivate and nurture through facilities, exhibition space, discussions and events.

By appropriating tools from sciences such as biotechnology and engineering, BioArt raises questions about the life science’s role in society, and stimulates dialogue between the sciences and the public. BioArt is known for delivering both societal as well as political criticism, complicating and challenging our interactions with the world around us.

NOBA wishes to take in the breadth of what BioArt is and can be. We welcome artists and artworks with a strict bio-art approach, while also looking to the more expanded interpretations of the term and bordering fields such as design, fashion, food and architecture.


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