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Breakfast seminar with Foods of Norway: What to feed salmon tomorrow?

What to feed salmon tomorrow? – Foods of Norway is working on the menu

Date: 17. 01.2023

Time: 08.00 – 09.30

Entrance: Free

Registration: Send email to ingjerd.donnem@nmbu.no by January 9.

Foods of Norway is a center for research-based innovation (SFI) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, funded by the Research Council of Norway and industry partners.

The centre aims is to contribute to growth and increased value creation in the Norwegian aquaculture and agriculture industries by developing sustainable feed ingredients from natural bioresources that are not suitable for direct human consumption.


08.00  Breakfast

08.30   Welcome and updates on novel feed ingredients for salmon – Margareth Øverland

08.40   Strategic approach for the evaluation of new ingredients for salmon feed – Ruth Tamara Montero Meza

08.50   Novel functional ingredients: Coordinating the health and welfare of Atlantic salmon – Byron Morales Lange

09.00   Gut microbiota as the link between diet and fish health – Sergio Rocha

09.10    Panel discussion – moderated by Liv Torunn Mydland


Bli med på frokostseminaret med Food of Norway!

Foods of Norway er et senter for forskningsbasert innovasjon (SFI) ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet, finansiert av Norges forskningsråd og næringslivet.

Senteret har som mål å bidra til vekst og økt verdiskaping i norsk havbruk og landbruk ved å utvikle bærekraftige fôringredienser fra naturlige bioressurser som ikke er egnet som mat for mennesker.

End date

Booking Date Expired: This event has passed today's date.
  • Bilde: NMBU/Foods of Norway
  • Bilde: NMBU/Foods of Norway
  • Bilde: NMBU/Foods of Norway
