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Conference by TOWARDS sustainability arena and NMBU : We are Waves of Potential: Engaging with Climate ChangeWe are Waves of Potential: Engaging with Climate Change

We are waves of potential – Engaging with climate change

Tuesday 29 November 11:30-16:00
Vitenparken, Ås

Free event, registration required:
Register here

Climate change increasingly threatens daily lives around the globe. It creates the need and potential for engaging with knowledge and action in new ways. Engaging with climate change means reimagining how we – both as students, researchers, educators and individuals – relate to the collective, opening up space for transformative action.

With the aim of demonstrating the potential for transforming society that lies in becoming part of change, NMBU students have put together an interdisciplinary conference drawing on cutting edge research from various disciplines within the field of climate change. The event is open for all, including academics, civil society, policy makers and students interested in the theme. Join us in moving away from climate doomerism to hope.

We invite you all for lunch and mingling at Vitenparken from 11:30 before the conference starts at 11:45. The program includes discussions on key emerging themes such as:

  • What happened at COP 27 (UN Climate Conference)?
  • Why are multiple knowledges and ways of knowing important to act on climate change?
  • How do we communicate climate change in the science-policy-public interface?
  • How does climate change affect key aspects of our well-being, such as health?
  • And what does climate economics tell us about how we can act on climate change?

The conference will engage you through inspiring and interactive formats – expect some surprises! With this in mind, it is recommended that you join physically at Vitenparken, though online attendance will be possible.

We hope you’ll join and form part of our wave of potential.

Find the program on NMBU´s page.


End date

Booking Date Expired: This event has passed today's date.
