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Eat the Future – Workshop for food system stakeholders and partners

Bli med på et eksperimentelt mat-event og workshop sammen med andre aktører fra industrien. Målet er et bærekraftig plantebasert kosthold. Veien dit går via kloke hoder og mager.


Hva spiser vi i 2040? Hvordan ser verden ut? Dette er spørsmål industrien skal jobbe med i tiden fremover. Eat The Future Workshop er en unik mulighet til å tenke på og skape innovative løsninger gjennom opplevelse og sansing.

Hva får du?
– Testing av prototyper
– En innovativ meny bestående av retter som gjenspeiler forskjellige fremtidsscenarioer
– Aktiv deltagelse i en tverrfaglig workshop
– Deling av kunnskap og ideer om hvordan vi kan innovere mat og skape spennende og bærekraftige nye produkter for fremtiden.


English version and programme below

What do you think you will be eating in 2040?

  • Just pills and powder?
  • Only vegan products and lab-grown meat?
  • Nothing but the food you grow yourself?
  • The same kind of food you are eating today?
  • Or something completely different?

Follow us on our journey in possible future scenarios to the year 2040. Experience and build with us the future of plant-based food in Norway in different ways. Take a look into the future even so it almost seems unimaginable today and discuss with us!

Empathy, collaboration and experimentation

The best way to predict the future is to create it. That’s why we invite you to:

  • Join an interactive exhibition and testing of prototypes in four future scenario presentation-spaces (pictures, installations, stories, prototypes etc.)
  • Enjoy a delicious menu and prototype samples which will be served for each scenario creating an experience by eating and interacting with the research topic
  • Actively participate in a cross-sectoral, multidisciplinairy workshop with impulses, discussion and own development of innovation ideas to facilitate innovative future food products and services for Norway in the different pictures of the future.

You will learn more about our ongoing research project FoodProFuture* to facilitate innovative and sustainable plant-based protein products for healthier food. You will experience and test (with all senses) stories, pictures, and a delicious menu of the future of plant-based protein food in Norway. A journey through four possible futures of food in Norway and different perspectives of our developed Norwegian Representatives.

Who is the workshop for?

National and international food system stakeholders and partners (e.g., research environments, industry players, farmers, producers, sellers, NGO’s, policy makers, communities) will be invited to the event and will contribute with their competencies and market experiences in the shift towards plant-based foods.

What our previous participants told us after Eat The Future in November 2018:

  • This is amazing! We need more of that and create some change
  • This makes me think!
  • We can be the ones creating change!” Let’s do it, not time to wait!
  • What an experience! More people need to know about what you are doing. We need to spread the word!

Practical information

Before the 05th June 2019: We are sending out some preliminary material as preparation for the Workshop. Facilitators and Future-Guides: Dr. Antje Gonera and Dr. Katja-Maria Prexl.

About the project FoodProFuture

FoodProFuture is a transdisciplinary research project which aims to exploit sustainable plant-based proteins for healthier diets by integrating knowledge on consumers and markets, on crops, composition of raw materials, on how that is processed and produced, on nutrition and health aspects, as well as environmental impacts to facilitate innovative production from plant-based protein-rich resources to future food products. The project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, BIONÆR no 267858.

Vil du lære mer om mat og matproduksjon?
Finn den nyeste forskningen på kompostering i vår forskningsdatabase.
Besøk kore.no.

End date

Booking Date Expired: This event has passed today's date.
