Symposium: Humans, fungi, rottenness, and the future of soil – Sold out
Norwegian BioArt Arena´s (NOBA) symposium 2022: Humans, fungi, rottenness, and the future of soil
Date: 17.11.2022
Time: 11:00 – 17:00 (incl. lunch break)
Price: The event is free for all students (incl. lunch) Adults: 100 kr incl. lunch
NOBA´s symposium 2022 Humans, fungi, rottenness, and the future of soil is the first in a series addressing our relationship to living soil, seen from a more-than-human perspective.
The symposium takes a deep dive beyond a complex surface full of living organisms, into the ground below our feet. We will be investigating soil in the Anthropocene, from a macro to a micro perspective. From the vast landscape to the smallest organisms found in the soil. From issues relating to food production, post-production, and -processes, to decay, death and spirituality. From changes in soil health to soil exhaustion, and practices of soil repair in damaged landscapes, to future speculations on how we can build more sustainable futures in our interaction with the living soil.
The event can be seen as an experiment: an interdisciplinary platform for artists, scientists, and researchers where their practice, projects, and interest in the living soil can be discussed in dialogue with the public, based on their respective fields.
Inviting local, national, and international artists, scientists, gardeners, entrepreneurs, and designers from Ghana, Germany, Indonesia/Brazil, Sweden, Finland, and Norway, we aim to create an experimental and interdisciplinary platform with art at its core.
10.30 Registration & coffee.
11:00 Welcome & introduction by Solveig Arnesen (CEO Vitenparken) and Eli Skatvedt (Head of Department, NOBA).
11:10 Sybille Neumeyer and India Mansour: (µ)biospheric cycles: breakdown matters, presentation followed by interactive Q&A.
11:50 Daniel Lie: Other-than-human, other-than-you, other-than-me, presentation followed by Q&A.
12:30 pm Erik Joner, Jørn Viumdal and Solveig Arnesen in conversation: Our connection to nature and the living soil as a symbol of society, followed by Q&A.
13:00 Lunch break.
13:30 Nora Vaage (Lead Researcher, NOBA). Introduction to the project Anthropogenic Soils, followed by Q&A.
13:45 (p)Art of the Biomass, Malin Lobell and Janna Holmstedt: Four Sisters for Planthroposcene and Humus Economicus, presentation followed by interactive Q&A.
14:20 Erik Joner: Soil miracles – a scientific perspective, presentation followed by Q&A.
15:00 Kåre Aleksander Grundvåg og Arne Skaug Olsen in conversation: Earthworks, followed by Q&A.
15:30 Tracy Naa Koshie Thompson: presentation, followed by Q&A.
15:55 Mari Koppanen: Polypores, yeast, and lichen: How fungi shape our understanding of future material possibilities, presentation followed by interactive Q&A.
16:25 Daniel Lie, Janna Holmstedt, Malin Lobell, Kåre Aleksander Grundvåg and Arne Skaug Olsen panel discussion: More-than-human collaborations, followed by Q&A.
17:00 The symposium ends.
Guest speakers:
Kåre Aleksander Grundvåg
Janna Holmstedt
Erik Joner
Mari Koppanen
Daniel Lie
Malin Lobell
India Mansour
Sybille Neumeyer
Arne Skaug Olsen
Tracy Thompson
Jørn Viumdal
Moderated by:
Lena Håkansson
Curated by:
Eli Skatvedt & Lena Håkansson
Rebekka Sæter
Elina Gobeti
Graphic Design:
Raquel Maia Marques
Technical team:
Inspire to Action
Hovedkvarteret (main hall, entrance Vitenparken´s Café)
Vitenparken Campus Ås
Norwegian BioArt Arena (NOBA) symposium 2022: Humans, fungi, rottenness, and the future of soil.
Humans, fungi, rottenness, and the future of soil er NOBAs symposium 2022 og det første i rekken som omhandler vårt forhold til levende jord, sett fra et mer-enn-menneskelig perspektiv.
Symposiet tar et dypdykk gjennom en kompleks overflate full av levende organismer. Vi vil undersøke jordsmonnet i den antropocene tidsalder, fra et makro- til et mikroperspektiv, fra det store landskapet til de minste organismene som befinner seg i jorda. Fra spørsmål knyttet til matproduksjon, postproduksjon- og prosesser, til forråtnelse, kompost, død og spiritualitet. Fra endringer i jordens helse, til jordutmattelse og ulike typer praksis for å reparere skadet jord, til fremtidsspekulasjoner på hvordan vi kan utvikle en mer bærekraftig framtid i samspill med den levende jorda.
Arrangementet kan sees på som et eksperiment: En tverrfaglig møteplass for kunstnere, forskere og researchere der deres praksis, prosjekter, forskning og interesser i den levende jorda kan diskuteres med publikum, basert på deres respektive felt.
Ved å invitere lokale, nasjonale og internasjonale kunstnere, forskere, gartnere, gründere og designere fra Ghana, Tyskland, Indonesia/Brasil, Sverige, Finland og Norge, er vårt mål å skape en eksperimentell og tverrfaglig møteplass med kunsten i sentrum.
The event is sold out and the ticket sales are now closed.
End date