Pride PechaKucha Night
Time: 17:00
Entrance: Free and open for everyone.
Donations towards the event are welcomed.
Vitenparken is participating in Follo Pride Week in partnership with Ås kommune and Norwegian University of Life Sciences. As part of our contribution, we are proud to host a Pride PechaKucha Night on September 15th at 17:00 as a part of Follo Pride Week. This event aligns with our commitment to advocate for humanrights, diversity, and socialjustice. The central theme of the PechaKucha Night is “INTERSECTIONALITY” and we are eagerly anticipating captivating ideas and stories to be shared by queer individuals!
The restaurant and bar will be open.
This is the perfect after work activity or pregame before the Pride event at Samfunnet later that evening.
What is PechaKucha?
PechaKucha is a Japanese presentation format in which a presenter has 20 seconds per slide for a total of 20 slides, resulting in an overall presentation lasting no longer than six minutes and 40 seconds. This unique yet engaging approach is used to effectively present challenging topics to the audience. Vitenparken is one of the few venues officially certified to host PechaKucha events in Norway.
Updated Program:
Robin Ingeborg Frøyen (They / Them)
Language and Literature scholar (Litteraturviter).
N.B. Robin is unable to attend the PechaKucha.
Robin Frøyen holds an MA in Literature from the University of Oslo and is a queer activist. Some may recognize them as a vlogger on the Snapchat channel “Hverdagsskeiv” or as the host of the queer podcast “Lobbyen” on Radio Nova, the student radio station in Oslo, in addition to being active on Instagram and Twitter. In 2019, they wrote a master’s thesis on genderqueer representation in youth literature. They have also served as a board member in the central board of the Association for LGBT Rights (Foreningen FRI) and currently work as a language advisor.
Robin Frøyen’s segment discusses their identity journey and the importance of representation, language, and information. They will share about what it’s like to live as non-binary in Norway today and the challenges it entails, from being denied public healthcare to having to answer strange questions from intoxicated colleagues at parties.
Lina Maria Nilsson (She / Her)
Queer Hair Stylist (Skeiv frisør)
In less than two years, Lina has become a well-established hairstylist in Oslo’s queer community. And it’s not without reason; Lina’s hairdressing chair has become a safe space for many queer individuals where their queer identity doesn’t need to be explained or justified. One of Lina’s clients says that Lina “just gets it.” But what is “it”? Listen to Lina talk about the significance of style and identity in the queer community and what she does to create a safe and comfortable space for queer customers.
Joo Helena Hansen (She/Her)
Advisor at Fri Oslo og Viken
Joo Helena Hansen – will talk about Mini Pride and how Pride for kids can change society for the better. She is Head of Skeiv Kunnskap, Board Member in Skeiv Verden, and project manager for Mini Pride. She has a background in educational science, and has worked with kids, youth, child services and youth disability services as well as coaching football for teenagers. She is passionate about representation, sport and equality.
She often talks about society as a kindergarden – the official framework plan in Norway for kindergardens essentially sets in motion how we want society to be: a place where everyone is seen and heard for who they are, where we pay attention to the needs of everyone – children and adults – instead of expecting them to conform.
Mini Pride does exactly what is set out in kindergardens and schools in relation to inclusivity and diversity work. Mini Pride is a part of Oslo Pride, and creates a fun and inclusive space for seven days each year, where every family and child are invited to celebrate who they are.
Newt Petride (They/them)
Advisor i Skeiv Verden (Queer World)
Newt is a genderqueer biologist, poet and activist from Cyprus, now living in Oslo, Norway. During their studies in Greece, Newt had the opportunity to be a member of several queer and LGBTQI+ grassroot groups and organizations. In March 2021, Newt became the board leader of Skeiv Verden Oslo-Viken and in May 2023 they started working in Skeiv Verden as an advisor for queer women and trans people of minority background.
They are passionate about building communities and spaces that provide a safe arena for people to learn, create and empower themselves by getting in touch with their identities and lived experiences. Newt has facilitated numerous workshops and given talks on topics such as gender and gender identity, body image, queer terminology, and intersectionality.
Eilif Hallingstad Finnseth (he/him)
Rådgiver i Åpen folkekirke
Eilif will talk about Åpen Folkekirke’s work with inclusion and diversity.
Ulva Skogstad (they/them)
Independent director based in Oslo
Ulva is passionate about representation in media and the film industry.
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Join as a speaker!
Would you be interested in becoming a speaker at this event? Alternatively, do you know of someone who might be keen on participating? We encourage you to reach out by sending an email to to convey your interest.
End date