Vitenparken x Grønn Uke NMBU 2023

Som del av Grønn Uke ved NMBU har vi planlagt flere aktiviteter:


The Anthropocene Cookbook 28.02.2023

The Anthropocene Cookbook: Opportunities for Future Catastrophes and a survival guide for a future gone rogue.

How can we survive in an age of constant environmental crises? How can we thrive? This innovative book, written by Zane Cerpina and Stahl Stenslie, answers these questions through a series of investigative art and design projects, exploring how art, food, and creative thinking can prepare us for future catastrophes.

Join the brilliant artist duo in a conversation with art historian and philosopher Nora S. Vaage on February 28. The event is a part of Green Week (Grønn Uke) at NMBU – Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Book Launch: The Anthropocene Cookbook by Zane Cerpina and Stahl Stenslie hosted by Nora S. Vaage

PechaKucha Food and Peace 02.03.2023

In this event, we are exploring the relationship between Food and Peace.

We cannot achieve sustainable development goals without stable access to food. However, in the past year, the fragility of the food systems and their dependency on geopolitics has become even more apparent than  before.

We invited speakers from academia, non-profit, and business sectors to hear interdisciplinary perspectives on the topic.

Food and Peace: PechaKucha

Såkurs 09.03.2023

Slik lykkes du med å så frø. Bli med på såkurs og lær om frø og hvordan man forkultiverer.

Hva skal til for å få en vellykket avling?

Bli med på såkurs med vår gartnerformidler Kine Y. Hoch-Nielsen for å lære mer!



Andre arrangementer

Bytte- og bruktmarked // Swapping- and second-hand-market at Vitenparken

Date: 05.03.2023

Time: 12:00 – 14:00

This is an event of Ås kooperativ – Bua, Sustainability commitee, Spire Ås, Naturvernstudentene and NMBU Friluftsliv.

Click here for more information: Facebook event


Fagprat i Grønn uke om matsvinn med Marina Aspholm (NMBU) og Håkon Mella (Vitenparken) arrangert av NMBU Universitetsbiblioteket

Dato: 03.03.2023

Tidspunkt: 12:15

Les mer på Facebook arrangementet


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